The Village Defence Groups ( VDGs )
The Village Defence Groups ( VDGs ) constituted in pursuance
of the Government Order No.Home-293 of 1995, dated 30.09.1995, have over the
years successfully ensured the safety and security of the identified vulnerable
villages and supplemented the efforts of the Security Forces in safeguarding
the internal security in Jammu and Kashmir.
The aim of the VDGs is to organize small group of volunteer
armed civilians in the identified villages along the borders as well as
in-depth areas of the Jammu division, with a view to instill sense of self
protection and ensure the safety and security of such villages, infrastructural
installations in and around them and to check the trans-border movement.
Each group shall be headed by retired officer of the
Army/CPMF/J&K Police.
Members of these group will work on voluntary basis and they
are selected by District Administration from ex-servicemen and ex-policemen and
able bodied young men who can handle arms/ammunitions.