Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan ( RGSA )
Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA) was launched on 24th April 2018 'National Panchayat Day' by the Hon'ble Prime Minister, an umbrella scheme of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India. It is a unique scheme proposed to develop and strengthen the Panchayati Raj System across India in rural areas.
The scheme of RGSA aims to strengthen the capacities of institutions for rural local governance to become more responsive towards local development needs, prepare participatory plans leveraging technology, and efficiently utilize available resources for realizing sustainable solutions to local problems linked to SDGs.
RGSA is proposed to be implemented as a core Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) for four years viz., from 2018-19 to 2021-22 with State and Central shares. The sharing ratio for the State components will be in the ratio of 60:40 except for NE and Hilly States where the Central and State Ratios will be 90:10.
- Develop governance capabilities of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- Enhance capabilities of Panchayats for inclusive local governance with a focus on optimum utilization of available resources and convergence with other schemes to address issues of national importance.
- Enhance the capabilities of Panchayats to raise their own sources of revenue.
- Strengthen Gram Sabhas to function effectively as the basic forum of people’s participation, transparency and accountability within the Panchayat system.
- Promote devolution of powers and responsibilities to Panchayats according to the spirit of the Constitution and PESA Act 1996.
- Develop a network of institutions of excellence to support capacity building and handholding for PRIs.
- Strengthen institutions for capacity enhancement of PRIs at various levels and enable them to achieve adequate quality standards in infrastructure, facilities, human resources, and outcome-based training.
- Promote e-governance and other technology-driven solutions to enable good governance in Panchayats for administrative efficiency and improved service delivery.
- Recognize and incentivize PRIs based on performance.
- Capacity Building and Training (CB&T).
- Gram Panchayat Infrastructure.
- Use of IT for Distance Learning & for e-Enablement of Panchayats.
- Institutional Support for Innovations.
- Gap-Filling Support of Economic Development & Income Enhancement.
- Technical Support including Human Resources (HR) based on Identified Gaps.
- Handholding Support by Academic Institutions/ Institutions of Excellence to GPs for Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) Formulation.
- Adequate Manpower at GP Level & to provide support for Technical Manpower.
- e-enablement of Panchayats for e-governance to enhance efficiency and transparency with thrust on Panchayat Enterprise Suite (PES) Applications developed by the Ministry.
- Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), Public Finance Management System (PFMS), use and Geotagging of assets in Gram Panchayats.
Panchayati Raj Institutions of all the States/UTs are eligible. Including the institutions of rural local government in non-part IX areas, where Panchayats do not exist.
The essential conditions to be fulfilled by States and Union Territories to access RGSA funds are -
- Regular conduct of elections to Panchayats or local rural bodies in non-Part IX areas.
- Not less than one third reservation for women in Panchayats.
- Constitution of SFC every five years, and placement of Action Taken Report (ATR) on the recommendations of the SFC in the State legislature.
- Constitution of District Planning Committees (DPCs) in all districts and issuing of Guidelines/rules to make these functional.
- Preparation and submission of detailed annual State Capacity Building Plan for PRIs to MoPR.
- Wherever, possible/ feasible Co-location of Common Service Centres (CSCs) with the Gram Panchayat buildings. Mapping of functional CSCs co-located within GP buildings be done as a first step. MoPR will coordinate with concerned Ministry/ States in co-locating CSCs in GP buildings.