Iceland grants commercial whaling permit

Iceland grants commercial whaling permit despite opposition from animal welfare organizations.

It was granted for a 2024 season. It was granted to Hvalur company. The licence allows company to kill 128 fin whales.

At present, only Iceland, Norway and Japan allow commercial whaling.


The International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling:

It was was signed in 1946 and entered into force in 1948 and it is the International Whaling Commission’s founding document.

The Convention includes a legally binding Schedule which, amongst other things, sets out catch limits for commercial and aboriginal subsistence whaling. 

India ratified the convention in 1981. ( Ecolex )

Whaling Sanctuaries:

Whaling Sanctuaries designated by the International Whaling Commission. Commercial whaling is prohibited in these sanctuaries. 

They are as follows:

1. Indian Ocean Sanctuary: It was established in 1979 and covers the whole of the Indian Ocean south to 55°S. 

2. The second sanctuary covers the waters of the Southern Ocean around Antarctica.  It was adopted in 1994.

International Whaling Commission


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