Cabinet Committee on Security ( CCS )

Relevance: What are Cabinet committees, and why is the CCS the most important of them all? " - The Indian Express

The composition of the CCS is:

  1. Prime Minister of India
  2. Minister of Defence
  3. Minister of Home Affairs
  4. Minister of Finance
  5. Minister of External Affairs

The National Security Adviser, the Cabinet Secretary and the Defence Secretary have also been attendees of the CCS meetings.

Functions of the Committee would be as under :- 

  1. to deal with all Defence related issues; 
  2. to deal with issues relating to law and order, and internal security; 
  3. to deal with policy matters concerning foreign ·affairs that have internal or external security implications including cases relating to agreements with other countries on security related issues; 
  4. to deal with economic and political issues impinging on national security; 
  5. to review the manpower requirements relating to national security including proposals concerning creation of posts carrying the pay scale of rupees 18400-22400 'and above, and setting up new structures to deal with security related issues; ~i) to consider cases relating to projects, acquisition or procurement of security related equipment not delegated to be approved t:iitrk-r by the Ministet-in-Charge of the concerned Department or/and by the Minister of Finance; and
  6. to consider cases of increase in the firmed up cost estimates/revisedcost estimates due to reasons such as time overrun, changes in scope, under-estimation,etc. in· respect of proposals that are required to .be placed before the cabinet Committeeon Security for which the procedure stipulated in the SecondSchedulein respectof similarcaseswillapply.


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