XRISM Mission

XRISM (pronounced “crism”) is led by JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) in collaboration with NASA, along with contributions from ESA (European Space Agency). It launched Sept. 6, 2023. NASA and JAXA developed Resolve, the mission’s microcalorimeter spectrometer.

The objective of the mission is to investigate celestial X-ray objects in the Universe with high-throughput imaging and high-resolution spectroscopy. XRISM was launched from the Tanegashima Space Center at 8:42 a.m on September 7, 2023 JST in Japan 

  1. "X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM)" - NASA
  2. "NASA, JAXA XRISM Spots Iron Fingerprints in Nearby Active Galaxy" - NASA


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