District Election Management Plan ( DEMP )
Planning is the first and most important function of management. In the absence of planning, all the activities of an organisation will become meaningless. The importance of planning in conduct of election has increased all the more in view of the increasing complexities and multifarious activities. The District Election Officer leads the election at District level. They have to prepare for logistics, deployment and capacity building of human resource, increase participation of different stakeholders in the election process, identify the possible vulnerable areas and address them suitably so that the elections are conducted in a free and fair manner.
The District Election Management Plan (DEMP in brief) is a document which helps in planning for election preparations at a glance. It presents the essential work to be done in various aspects of election process. The DEMP uses statistics and its analysis for drawing conclusions from it and undertaking detailed and focused planning for conduct of elections in a smooth manner. The Manual on District Election Management Plan into 17 chapters. Information is mostly prepared in tabular format. As per the Election Planner of Election Commission of India, the DEMP is to be prepared atleast 6 months before the tentative Poll Day. Preparation of DEMP in advance helps in assessing status and requirements of AMF at Polling Stations, EVM and other logistics, manpower, training, transportation, security force requirement, SVEEP etc. However, many things become clearer as the election is notified and campaign starts formally. So, it becomes necessary to revise/ update the plan from time to time. Also, the DEO should get prepared AC wise election management plans and sector level plans on these lines.