JT-60SA: The World's Biggest Nuclear Fusion Reactor starts operation

JT-60SA is the largest tokamak in operation, designed and built jointly by Japan and Europe. Its unique properties include the capability to produce long-pulse, high-beta and highly shaped plasmas.

JT-60SA is a joint international fusion experiment being built and operated by Japan and Europe, in Naka, Japan, using infrastructure of the previous JT-60 Upgrade experiment alongside new hardware. SA stands for “super, advanced”, since the experiment will have superconducting coils and study advanced modes of plasma operation.

When fully operational, JT-60SA will be able to sustain break-even-equivalent high-temperature deuterium plasmas for typically 100 s, longer than the timescales characterising key plasma processes such as current diffusion and particle recycling. The maximum plasma current is 5.5 MA. The device can also pursue fully non-inductive steady-state operation with values of the plasma pressure exceeding plasma stability limits, without wall-stabilisation.

  1. https://www.jt60sa.org/
  2. India Today
  3. https://www.iter.org/


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