The Global Observatory on Health R&D
In May 2013, the Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly specifically mandated the establishment of the Observatory in resolution WHA66.22, with the overall goal “to consolidate, monitor and analyze relevant information on health research and development activities, … with a view to contributing to the identification and the definition of gaps and opportunities for health research and development priorities, and supporting coordinated actions on health research and development.”
The work of the Observatory is guided by the following core principles of affordability, effectiveness, efficiency and equity.
The Global Observatory on Health R&D is a comprehensive source of information and analyses on global health R&D for human diseases. It builds on existing data/reports from a range of sources, and gathers new information to help monitor health R&D and decision-making related to:
- health R&D gaps
- priorities for new investments in health R&D
- capacity strengthening needs for health R&D.