Urea Gold ( Sulfur Coated Urea (SCU) )
Relevance: Urea Gold Launched in India - PIB.
It was first developed by the Tennessee Valley Authority’s National Fertilizer Development Center (TVA/NFDC), Alabama in 1961, and produced commercially in 1967.
It has basically two advantages; first is its slow-release mechanism and second, it increases the nitrogen adsorption efficiency by 40%. Moreover, it improves the plant growth/ quality and the yield of seeds, especially oilseeds. It is being called as Urea gold because of its yellowish-goldish colour.
It is more economical and efficient than the currently used Neem coated urea. It will address Sulphur deficiency for the soil in the country. It will also save input costs for the farmers and also raise incomes for farmers with enhanced production & productivity.
Urea Gold has humic acid as additional constituent which enhance longevity of the fertiliser.
Urea fertilizers only provide nitrogen and not phosphorus or potassium.