India’s Engagement in the Arctic
India’s Engagement in the Arctic:
India launched its first scientific expedition to the Arctic in 2007 when a team of five scientists visited the International Arctic Research Facilities at NyÅlesund in Svalbard, to initiate studies in the fields of Arctic microbiology, atmospheric sciences and geology. Subsequently, the Indian research station Himadri at Ny-Ålesund was dedicated to the nation in 2008, making India the only developing nation apart from China to have an Arctic research base. Thirteen Indian expeditions have been sent to the Arctic since then. Himadriis presently manned for about 180 days in a year and over 300 Indian researchers have worked at the station.
India and Arctic Council:
India was one among the five Asian nations along with China, Japan, South Korea and Singapore, to be granted observer status in the Arctic Council in 2013. India has active projects with the Working Groups of Arctic Council, is also a member of the Ny-Ålesund Science Managers Committee (NySMAC) and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC). India was inducted to the University of Arctic in 2019. Thiswill give greater opportunities for Indian researchers to participate in several thematic courses and research networks related to the Arctic.
India’s Arctic Policy:
India’s Arctic policy titled “India’s Arctic Policy– Building a Partnership for Sustainable Development” follows the draft that was released for public feedback on 31 December 2020.Comprisingtwenty-four pages, the Policy is divided into eight chapters based on six pillars.
The six pillars of the Policy are as follows:
1. Science and Research.
2. Climate and Environmental Protection.
3. Economic and Human Development Cooperation.
4. Transportation and Connectivity.
5. Governance and International Cooperation.
6. National Capacity-Building.