Constitution Bench and Larger Bench ( Rules and Procedures )
Constitution bench will be formed in the following circumstances:
(i) Every case involving a substantial question of law as to the interpretation of the Constitution under Article 145(3) or any Reference made under Article 143 of the Constitution shall be heard by a Bench consisting of not less than five Judges.
(ii) Every petition calling in question the election of the President and Vice-President under Article 71 of the Constitution read with Part III of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952, shall be posted before a Bench of five Judges under Order XLVI of the Rules.
(iii) The Chief Justice may, from time to time, constitute a Bench consisting of five or more Judges for the purpose of hearing any other cause, appeal or matter.
Reference to Larger Bench:
(i) A Division Bench of two or more Judges may refer any cause, appeal or other proceeding, pending before it, to a larger Bench of not less than five Judges involving a substantial question of law as to the interpretation of the Constitution, as per proviso to Article 145(3) of the Constitution.
(ii) Where, in the course of hearing of any cause, appeal or other proceeding, the Division Bench considers that the case should be dealt with by a larger Bench, it shall refer the case to the Chief Justice, who shall thereupon constitute such a Bench for hearing it.
(iii) If a Bench of less than three Judges, hearing a cause, appeal or matter, is of the opinion that the accused should be sentenced to death, it shall refer the case to the Chief Justice, who shal thereupon constitute a Bench of not less than three Judges for hearing it.
(iv) After the Reference is answered by a larger Bench, wherever required, the case shall be placed before the Chief Justice for listing before an appropriate Bench for hearing and decision in accordance with the opinion of the larger Bench.