HPCL commences its first Cow dung to Compressed Biogas Project under GOBAR-Dhan scheme

 In a transcending move towards green energy and commitment towards environmental stewardship, HPCL commenced its Cowdung to Compressed Biogas Project at Sanchore, Rajasthan. This will be HPCL’s first project under Waste to Energy portfolio. The plant is proposed to utilize 100 Tons per day of dung to produce biogas, which can be utilized as automotive fuel. The project is proposed to be commissioned in a year’s time.

The project is being developed under GOBAR-Dhan scheme launched by Government of India in Apr’18 as a part of the Biodegradable Waste Management component under Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) to positively impact cleanliness and generate wealth and energy from cattle and organic waste.

About GOBAR-Dhan:

Gobardhan was launched to ensure cleanliness in villages by converting bio-waste including cattle waste, kitchen leftovers, crop residue and market waste to improve the lives of villagers. This will provide economic and resource benefits to farmers and households.

Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation is working with concerned Departments/ Ministries/ State Governments, public and private sector institutions and village communities to give this a shape of ‘Janandolan’ so that community collective action on Gobardhan is achieved.

Gobardhan will benefit rural people in general and women in particular from the use of clean fuel, improved cleanliness in villages and through improvement in health. This initiative will support biodegradable waste recovery and conversion of waste into resources, reduction of GHG emission, reduction in import of crude oil, give boost to entrepreneurship and promote organic farming.         


1. To support villages safely manage their cattle waste, agricultural waste and in long run all organic waste.

2. To support communities convert their cattle and organic waste to wealth using decentralized systems

3. Promote environmental sanitation and curb vector borne diseases through effective disposal of waste in rural areas.

4. Convert organic waste, especially, cattle waste to bio gas and fertilizer for use in rural areas.


1. Aggregate cattle waste and convert it to biogas for domestic and industrial purposes.

2. Bio-slurry as a by product of the biogas process, used as bio-fertilizer.

3. Actively involve the community /SHG / milk coops in operation and management.

4. Focus on making the process economically viable for all in the value chain.

5. Entrepreneurship for the large scale production of compressed biogas and bio-fertilizers.         

Potential and Benefits: 

1. Effective biodegradable waste management.

2. Reduction of GHG emission.

3. Reduction in import of crude oil.

4. Employment opportunity for the local community.

5. Boost to entrepreneurship.

6. Additional income for farmers/ local village community from organic waste.

7. Promotion of organic farming.                 

Project Models:

Individual Household
This model can be adopted by households which have three(3) or more cattles. The biogas and slurry generated from the plants are used for cooking and as manure by the households.


The biogas plants can be constructed for a minimum number of households (5 to 10). The plants can be operated and managed by GP/SHGs. The gas generated will be supplied to households/restaurants / institutions and slurry can be used by the community as organic manure in agriculture or sold to farmers.


In this model , individual biogas plants are installed in number of households in a village/ group of villages. The biogas generated is used by the households and the slurry is collected at a common place, separated to solid and liquid parts and then fortified and sold as biofertilizers.

Commercial CBG

CBG plants can be set up by Entrepreneurs / Cooperative Societies/ Gaushalas etc. The raw biogas produced is compressed and can be used as vehicular fuel and / or sold to industries. The slurry generated is converted into organic manure / bio-fertilizer and can be sold to farmers.        




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